Friday, May 8, 2009

#10 - Open URL

- When you click on the Go button with this altered information, what happens? Make sure to note any differences and your thoughts on the causes and ramifications of these differences in your blog entry. -
I tried it a second time removing the author and page numbers and it did not alter the results.

-What are the implications of having many different sources for citation metadata/OpenURLs? -
SFX has proven to be a great tool for libraries. To be able to link from citation databases directly to the full text of the article is great for students, faculty, and librarians. It is a great step forward for libraries. The problems I find that the information is not always correct and that needs to be worked on.

Poulton, D. "Graces of play in renaissance lute music." Early Music 3.2 (1975):107.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Thing # 9: Wikis, Wikis, Wikis

In the library we have implemented a wiki for SFX/Verde. Team members are allowed to update the wiki as needed. It is a great source of information on SFX/Verde and for me a frequently used resource. I have also updated the wiki as needed. Speaking from my experience with the SFX/Verde wiki it has proved to be a useful tool and a great way of disseminating information. I have found the impact of wikis to be a positive one. It is great to have the information online rather than having to dig through a manual for needed information.